In Debt?

Short answer – no. There is a reason for that, and that is my credit cards has a minimum of 25% APR. This means for every year that I owe $100, I have $25 in interest. This is a lot of additional money to pay back. With that in mind, I use my credit cards as if they were debit cards. The only difference is I pay my credit cards in full in the second week of the month once all of my bills are processed through. Once that happen, the cards are paid in full, and what’s left is discretionary spending.

If there should ever be an instance where I will need to make a major purchase that can not be paid at one time, I will use the card with the best interest, and buy whatever I would need. I will then focus all of my discretionary spending to the credit card to reduce the amount of interest I will likely have to pay. The only time I see this happening if I should have to replace my computer or cellular phone. Both of these purchases would exceed my monthly income even if I had no bills. The goal will be buy what is needed, and pay off as quickly as possible.